1 (0.146)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_weight_class_description wcd ON (wc.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id)
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6 (0.158)
FROM omdv_length_class mc
LEFT JOIN omdv_length_class_description mcd ON (mc.length_class_id = mcd.length_class_id)
WHERE mcd.language_id = '1'
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8 (0.507)
FROM omdv_category c
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WHERE pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p2s.store_id = '0' AND cp.path_id = '146'
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FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT price
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LEFT JOIN omdv_product p ON (p2c.product_id = p.product_id)
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12 (0.071)
SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS `found_rows`
13 (2.604)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
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WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
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14 (2.702)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '8818' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
15 (2.736)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12150' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
16 (2.727)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12175' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
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SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12192' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
18 (2.937)
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FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12146' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
19 (2.867)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
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WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12171' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
20 (2.640)
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FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12145' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
21 (2.774)
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WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12164' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
22 (2.648)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
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WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '6771' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
23 (2.730)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12177' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
24 (2.764)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12174' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
25 (2.974)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '8422' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
26 (3.055)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '11587' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
27 (2.713)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7651' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
28 (2.684)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12310' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
29 (2.891)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '11581' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
30 (2.808)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12142' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
31 (2.989)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12166' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
32 (3.005)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '5308' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
33 (2.882)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '12313' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
34 (2.861)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '10081' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
35 (2.720)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '10077' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
36 (2.816)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '8826' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
37 (5.039)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '222' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
38 (4.279)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '8804' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
39 (5.033)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '10080' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
40 (2.816)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '9136' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
41 (2.824)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '10086' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
42 (3.734)
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FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
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WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
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WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '8637' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
43 (2.821)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '1147' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
44 (3.062)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '11590' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
45 (2.785)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '11591' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
46 (3.098)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-19 02:26:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-19 02:26:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '11876' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-19 02:26:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
47 (0.959)
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.product_id) AS total
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LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
WHERE pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p2s.store_id = '0' AND p2c.category_id = '118'
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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51 (0.702)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '8818' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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52 (0.462)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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53 (0.359)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12150' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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55 (0.360)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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56 (0.354)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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57 (0.386)
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58 (0.322)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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59 (0.380)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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60 (0.399)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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61 (0.374)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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62 (0.355)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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63 (0.356)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12146' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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64 (0.359)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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65 (0.345)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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66 (0.352)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12171' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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67 (0.355)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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68 (0.351)
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69 (0.364)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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70 (0.334)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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71 (0.366)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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72 (0.419)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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73 (0.360)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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74 (0.381)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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75 (0.387)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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76 (0.337)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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79 (0.379)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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83 (0.343)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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84 (0.379)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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85 (0.335)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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86 (0.334)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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87 (0.422)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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88 (0.338)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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89 (0.349)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7651' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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91 (0.343)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7651' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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92 (0.371)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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93 (0.350)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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94 (0.658)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12310' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12310' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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96 (0.481)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '11581' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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97 (0.368)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '11581' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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98 (0.364)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '11581' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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99 (0.433)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12142' AND a.attribute_group_id = '9' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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101 (0.349)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12142' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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102 (0.390)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12166' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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103 (0.338)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12166' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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104 (0.341)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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105 (0.417)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '5308' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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106 (0.351)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '5308' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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107 (0.361)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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108 (0.411)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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109 (0.346)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '12313' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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110 (0.351)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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111 (0.390)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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112 (0.331)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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113 (0.335)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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114 (0.377)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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115 (0.356)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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117 (0.412)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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118 (0.376)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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119 (0.349)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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120 (0.392)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '222' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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121 (0.346)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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122 (0.347)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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123 (0.340)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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124 (0.353)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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125 (0.360)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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126 (0.323)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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128 (0.334)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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129 (0.430)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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144 (0.355)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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147 (0.353)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
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148 (0.353)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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150 (0.176)
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152 (0.150)
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166 (0.143)
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