
Примерка двери

Здесь вы можете узнать, как работает функция посмотреть эту дверь в своем интерьере

Посмотреть пример

Погонаж Ламинат Гринлайн "Gl light" (Дуб латте, дуб мокко, дуб муссон, трюфель)

Расчет комплекта
Выберите доп. комплектность:

Цена: 0.00 р.
Производитель:ГРИНЛАЙН-ВФД, (Россия, Владимир)
Наличие:Есть в наличии

Вы открыли редактор интерьера.

Что бы посмотреть выбранную дверь в вашем итерьере:

1.Загрузите фото с вашим интерьером.

2.Переместите дверь в нужную область.

3.Растените дверь за уголки, что бы она точно встала в дверной проём на вашей фотографии.

Хорошо Прочту позже

Закрыть окно
Queries: 193, Total time: 135.270 ms [By time] [By id] [By file]
1 (0.169)
FROM omdv_store
WHERE REPLACE(`url`, 'www.', '') = 'http://777dveri.ru/'
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WHERE status = '1'
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5 (0.373)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_weight_class_description wcd ON (wc.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id)
WHERE wcd.language_id = '1'
6 (0.237)
FROM omdv_length_class mc
LEFT JOIN omdv_length_class_description mcd ON (mc.length_class_id = mcd.length_class_id)
WHERE mcd.language_id = '1'
7 (0.423)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.category_id = '93' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
8 (2.833)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7636' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
9 (0.315)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_status s ON ps.status_id = s.status_id
WHERE s.language_id = '1' AND ps.product_id = '7636'
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10 (0.503)
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11 (0.156)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 21 AND attribute_id = 73
12 (0.118)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 30 AND attribute_id = 48
13 (0.135)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 31 AND attribute_id = 48
14 (0.116)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 32 AND attribute_id = 48
15 (0.113)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 33 AND attribute_id = 48
16 (0.110)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 34 AND attribute_id = 48
17 (0.104)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 35 AND attribute_id = 113
18 (0.121)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 38 AND attribute_id = 19
19 (0.120)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 39 AND attribute_id = 19
20 (0.103)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 40 AND attribute_id = 19
21 (0.190)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 42 AND attribute_id = 19
22 (0.156)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 43 AND attribute_id = 48
23 (0.136)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 44 AND attribute_id = 48
24 (0.187)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 45 AND attribute_id = 48
25 (0.203)
FROM omdv_status_attribute
WHERE status_id = 46 AND attribute_id = 48
26 (0.257)
SELECT COUNT(*) as promotion_count
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = 'omdv_promotion'
27 (0.357)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
28 (0.178)
FROM omdv_product_to_category
WHERE product_id = '7636'
29 (0.241)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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30 (0.198)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
31 (0.186)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
32 (0.187)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
33 (0.262)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
34 (0.267)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
35 (0.261)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
36 (0.240)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
37 (0.260)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
38 (0.292)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
39 (0.266)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
40 (0.189)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
41 (0.181)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
42 (0.178)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
43 (0.291)
FROM omdv_product_image
WHERE product_id = '7636'
ORDER BY sort_order ASC
44 (0.192)
FROM omdv_product_discount
WHERE product_id = '7636' AND customer_group_id = '1' AND quantity > 1 AND ((date_start = '0000-00-00' OR date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (date_end = '0000-00-00' OR date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY quantity ASC, priority ASC, price ASC
45 (0.341)
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FROM omdv_tax_rule tr1
LEFT JOIN omdv_tax_rate tr2 ON (tr1.tax_rate_id = tr2.tax_rate_id)
INNER JOIN omdv_tax_rate_to_customer_group tr2cg ON (tr2.tax_rate_id = tr2cg.tax_rate_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_zone_to_geo_zone z2gz ON (tr2.geo_zone_id = z2gz.geo_zone_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_geo_zone gz ON (tr2.geo_zone_id = gz.geo_zone_id)
WHERE tr1.tax_class_id = '0' AND tr1.based = 'shipping' AND tr2cg.customer_group_id = '1' AND z2gz.country_id = '176' AND (z2gz.zone_id = '0' OR z2gz.zone_id = '2769')
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46 (0.254)
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FROM omdv_tax_rule tr1
LEFT JOIN omdv_tax_rate tr2 ON (tr1.tax_rate_id = tr2.tax_rate_id)
INNER JOIN omdv_tax_rate_to_customer_group tr2cg ON (tr2.tax_rate_id = tr2cg.tax_rate_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_zone_to_geo_zone z2gz ON (tr2.geo_zone_id = z2gz.geo_zone_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_geo_zone gz ON (tr2.geo_zone_id = gz.geo_zone_id)
WHERE tr1.tax_class_id = '0' AND tr1.based = 'store' AND tr2cg.customer_group_id = '1' AND z2gz.country_id = '176' AND (z2gz.zone_id = '0' OR z2gz.zone_id = '2769')
ORDER BY tr1.priority ASC
47 (0.246)
SELECT tr2.tax_rate_id, tr2.name, tr2.rate, tr2.type, tr1.priority
FROM omdv_tax_rule tr1
LEFT JOIN omdv_tax_rate tr2 ON (tr1.tax_rate_id = tr2.tax_rate_id)
INNER JOIN omdv_tax_rate_to_customer_group tr2cg ON (tr2.tax_rate_id = tr2cg.tax_rate_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_zone_to_geo_zone z2gz ON (tr2.geo_zone_id = z2gz.geo_zone_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_geo_zone gz ON (tr2.geo_zone_id = gz.geo_zone_id)
WHERE tr1.tax_class_id = '0' AND tr1.based = 'shipping' AND tr2cg.customer_group_id = '1' AND z2gz.country_id = '176' AND (z2gz.zone_id = '0' OR z2gz.zone_id = '2769')
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48 (0.351)
SELECT tr2.tax_rate_id, tr2.name, tr2.rate, tr2.type, tr1.priority
FROM omdv_tax_rule tr1
LEFT JOIN omdv_tax_rate tr2 ON (tr1.tax_rate_id = tr2.tax_rate_id)
INNER JOIN omdv_tax_rate_to_customer_group tr2cg ON (tr2.tax_rate_id = tr2cg.tax_rate_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_zone_to_geo_zone z2gz ON (tr2.geo_zone_id = z2gz.geo_zone_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_geo_zone gz ON (tr2.geo_zone_id = gz.geo_zone_id)
WHERE tr1.tax_class_id = '0' AND tr1.based = 'store' AND tr2cg.customer_group_id = '1' AND z2gz.country_id = '176' AND (z2gz.zone_id = '0' OR z2gz.zone_id = '2769')
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49 (0.417)
FROM omdv_product_option po
LEFT JOIN `omdv_option` o ON (po.option_id = o.option_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_option_description od ON (o.option_id = od.option_id)
WHERE po.product_id = '7636' AND od.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY o.sort_order
50 (0.371)
FROM omdv_product_option_value pov
LEFT JOIN omdv_option_value ov ON (pov.option_value_id = ov.option_value_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_option_value_description ovd ON (ov.option_value_id = ovd.option_value_id)
WHERE pov.product_id = '7636' AND pov.product_option_id = '36518' AND ovd.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY ov.sort_order
51 (0.217)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7636' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
52 (0.367)
SELECT t.tab_id, td.name, pt.text, t.position, t.show_empty
FROM omdv_product_tab pt
LEFT JOIN omdv_tab t ON (pt.tab_id = t.tab_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_tab_description td ON (t.tab_id = td.tab_id)
WHERE pt.product_id = '7636' AND td.language_id = '1' AND pt.language_id = '1' AND t.status = '1' AND ( t.show_empty = '1' OR NOT pt.text REGEXP '^[[:space:]]*$' )
ORDER BY t.position, t.sort_order, td.name
53 (0.480)
FROM omdv_product_related pr
LEFT JOIN omdv_product p ON (pr.related_id = p.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
WHERE pr.product_id = '7636' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
54 (3.235)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '5889' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
55 (5.002)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
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LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
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56 (5.089)
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
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WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
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WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
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57 (5.020)
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FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '5892' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
58 (2.834)
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FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7167' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
59 (4.936)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7168' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
60 (4.905)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7294' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
61 (4.809)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7295' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
62 (2.698)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7302' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
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SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7303' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
64 (2.895)
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FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
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WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7304' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
65 (5.147)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
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FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
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WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7306' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
66 (0.470)
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WHERE s.language_id = '1' AND ps.product_id = '7306'
ORDER BY ps.sort_order ASC
67 (0.596)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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68 (0.418)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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69 (0.354)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
70 (0.153)
FROM omdv_product_to_category
WHERE product_id = '7306'
71 (0.332)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
72 (0.318)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
73 (0.336)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
74 (0.311)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
75 (0.313)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
76 (0.359)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
77 (0.331)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
78 (0.314)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
79 (0.368)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
80 (0.342)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
81 (0.343)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
82 (0.348)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
83 (0.327)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
84 (0.323)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
85 (0.339)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
86 (0.338)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
87 (0.326)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
88 (0.331)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
89 (0.341)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
90 (0.330)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
91 (0.339)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
92 (0.327)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
93 (0.322)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
94 (0.346)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
95 (0.325)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
96 (0.331)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
97 (0.340)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
98 (0.322)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
99 (0.307)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
100 (0.360)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
101 (0.334)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
102 (0.326)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
103 (0.345)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
104 (0.325)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
105 (0.323)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
106 (0.347)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
107 (0.324)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
108 (0.335)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
109 (0.426)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
110 (0.333)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
111 (0.336)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
112 (0.346)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7306' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
113 (2.904)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '7307' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
114 (0.444)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_status s ON ps.status_id = s.status_id
WHERE s.language_id = '1' AND ps.product_id = '7307'
ORDER BY ps.sort_order ASC
115 (0.768)
SELECT ag.attribute_group_id, agd.name
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
116 (0.759)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
117 (0.635)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
118 (0.225)
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WHERE product_id = '7307'
119 (0.661)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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120 (0.636)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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121 (0.624)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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122 (0.760)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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123 (0.544)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
124 (0.709)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
125 (0.606)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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126 (0.648)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
127 (0.630)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
128 (0.739)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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129 (0.573)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
130 (0.722)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
131 (0.678)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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132 (0.637)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
133 (0.643)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
134 (0.682)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
135 (0.599)
SELECT a.attribute_id, ad.name, pa.text
FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
136 (0.678)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
137 (0.716)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
ORDER BY ag.sort_order, agd.name
138 (0.613)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
139 (0.702)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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140 (0.620)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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141 (0.641)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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142 (0.637)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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143 (0.736)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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144 (0.544)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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145 (0.693)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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146 (0.605)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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147 (0.644)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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148 (0.591)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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149 (0.736)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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151 (0.697)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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152 (0.631)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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153 (0.655)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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154 (0.609)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
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155 (0.726)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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156 (0.574)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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157 (0.708)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
158 (0.698)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group ag ON (a.attribute_group_id = ag.attribute_group_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_group_description agd ON (ag.attribute_group_id = agd.attribute_group_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND agd.language_id = '1' GROUP BY ag.attribute_group_id
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159 (0.627)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '7' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
ORDER BY a.sort_order, ad.name
160 (0.667)
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FROM omdv_product_attribute pa
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute a ON (pa.attribute_id = a.attribute_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_attribute_description ad ON (a.attribute_id = ad.attribute_id)
WHERE pa.product_id = '7307' AND a.attribute_group_id = '10' AND ad.language_id = '1' AND pa.language_id = '1'
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SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
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WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '8320' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
162 (5.253)
SELECT DISTINCT *, pd.name AS name, p.image, m.name AS manufacturer, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_discount pd2
WHERE pd2.product_id = p.product_id AND pd2.customer_group_id = '1' AND pd2.quantity = '1' AND ((pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY pd2.priority ASC, pd2.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS discount, (SELECT price
FROM omdv_product_special ps
WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id AND ps.customer_group_id = '1' AND ((ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < '2025-02-17 19:54:00') AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > '2025-02-17 19:54:00'))
ORDER BY ps.priority ASC, ps.price ASC LIMIT 1) AS special, (SELECT points
FROM omdv_product_reward pr
WHERE pr.product_id = p.product_id AND customer_group_id = '1') AS reward, (SELECT ss.name
FROM omdv_stock_status ss
WHERE ss.stock_status_id = p.stock_status_id AND ss.language_id = '1') AS stock_status, (SELECT wcd.unit
FROM omdv_weight_class_description wcd
WHERE p.weight_class_id = wcd.weight_class_id AND wcd.language_id = '1') AS weight_class, (SELECT lcd.unit
FROM omdv_length_class_description lcd
WHERE p.length_class_id = lcd.length_class_id AND lcd.language_id = '1') AS length_class, (SELECT AVG(rating) AS total
FROM omdv_review r1
WHERE r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.status = '1' GROUP BY r1.product_id) AS rating, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS total
FROM omdv_review r2
WHERE r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.status = '1' GROUP BY r2.product_id) AS reviews, p.sort_order
FROM omdv_product p
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_description pd ON (p.product_id = pd.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_product_to_store p2s ON (p.product_id = p2s.product_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_manufacturer m ON (p.manufacturer_id = m.manufacturer_id)
WHERE p.product_id = '8321' AND pd.language_id = '1' AND p.status = '1' AND p.date_available <= '2025-02-17 19:54:00' AND p2s.store_id = '0'
163 (0.308)
UPDATE omdv_product SET viewed = (viewed + 1)
WHERE product_id = '7636'
164 (0.176)
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166 (0.198)
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FROM omdv_category c
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '0' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
168 (0.408)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '92' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
169 (0.409)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '93' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
170 (0.460)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '99' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
171 (0.384)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '118' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
172 (0.331)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '143' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
173 (0.473)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '162' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
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174 (0.929)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_information_description id ON (i.information_id = id.information_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_information_to_store i2s ON (i.information_id = i2s.information_id)
WHERE id.language_id = '1' AND i2s.store_id = '0' AND i.status = '1'
ORDER BY i.sort_order, LCASE(id.title) ASC
175 (0.141)
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WHERE product_id = '7636' AND store_id = '0'
176 (0.202)
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WHERE 'product/product' LIKE CONCAT(route, '%') AND store_id = '0'
177 (0.196)
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WHERE `type` = 'module'
178 (0.154)
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WHERE product_id = '7636' AND store_id = '0'
179 (0.186)
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WHERE 'product/product' LIKE CONCAT(route, '%') AND store_id = '0'
180 (0.131)
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WHERE `type` = 'module'
181 (0.135)
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WHERE product_id = '7636' AND store_id = '0'
182 (0.152)
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WHERE 'product/product' LIKE CONCAT(route, '%') AND store_id = '0'
183 (0.146)
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WHERE `type` = 'module'
184 (0.923)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_information_description id ON (i.information_id = id.information_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_information_to_store i2s ON (i.information_id = i2s.information_id)
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185 (0.791)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_information_description id ON (i.information_id = id.information_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_information_to_store i2s ON (i.information_id = i2s.information_id)
WHERE id.language_id = '1' AND i2s.store_id = '0' AND i.status = '1'
ORDER BY i.sort_order, LCASE(id.title) ASC
186 (0.609)
FROM omdv_category c
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '0' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
187 (0.424)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '92' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
188 (0.431)
FROM omdv_category c
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '93' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
189 (0.484)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '99' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
190 (0.415)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '118' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(cd.name)
191 (0.403)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '143' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
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192 (0.452)
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LEFT JOIN omdv_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN omdv_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '162' AND cd.language_id = '1' AND c2s.store_id = '0' AND c.status = '1'
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193 (0.198)
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WHERE `type` = 'total'